Welcome to Healing Creative Lotus
Welcome to Healing Creative Lotus, a unique blog here for you to explore. I am a Shamanic Medicine Woman that helps people find their authentic self through a journey of self discovery, creativity, sacred ritual, spiritual expression and connection. I give you tools and practices in order to be self empowered to live a life that is in harmonic soul alignment.
Healing Creative Lotus is my beautiful sacred container for full filling my soul's purpose. My Soul business has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with all those that resonate and feel that is aligned to their journey. I invite you to Read on, and enjoy.
This website is currently on updating mode. Please feel free to contact me on bookings or questions on my social media platforms such as
IG: healingcreativelotus13
Facebook: Healing Creative Lotus
Also contact me via Whats App 513-206-5605
Email: HealingCreativeLotus13@gmail.com
Much love and light
A Story About My Life's Journey
Welcome My Beautiful Soul Tribe. In my journey I have lived many experiences that have helped me grow to the woman I am today. From a very young age I had a strong connection to Spirit and the sense to helping others in a authentic, loving and compassionate way. I have experienced trauma in a way that has helped me open the opportunity to self healing and discovery. Learning so many healing modalities through this journey has helped guide me to embody my gifts and authentic self. Don't get me wrong I am still learning even today. My Soul calling has many facets within my internal compass where I share and offer to others this same medicine to help you find your own light to shine bright, your own sense of self, and sense of creative expression. I love co-creating with Spirit doing Shamanic Elemental Creativity, Life/ Spiritual Coaching, Oracle Card Readings and Divine Healing Sessions.

“Within you is a light in connection to Source and all that is. A Divine being living on Mother Earth and all Of creation. May everyday you honor and choose to live more in alignment with your authentic self. Shining more brightly expanding your love to yourself, from yourself to others, from others to the world, and from the world to the Universe”
----Joseph Haydn-----
Thanks for your interest in HealingCreativeLotus. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

During your healing and spiritual development, you may be given advice by Yara and her teams in Spirit. You are fully responsible for any choices you make. By working with Yara, you agree that she is not a substitute for medical, legal, tax, financial advice and you take full responsibility and ownership for the results you create.